Ulrika tillberg luckey

Phone: +46 70-211 02 22
Mail: ulrika@gro.nu
LinkedIn: View profile

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room shifted. Short stories from real life was shared; when an important personal value came to life and really meant something. In 20 minutes, a deeper contact between people was established.”

I have seen it happen. Many times. But I have also experienced groups where openness and trust is low and I suffer at the cost of lost opportunities and lack of engagement.
I believe that I can make a difference in my role as a facilitator of change and development, by using tools and methods rooted in action-learning, co-creation and shared intentions. But more important, by being authentic and in contact I can open up and invite others to follow.
I want to contribute to a more conscious, involving environment where people feel trust, creativity and engagement. We need to connect as humans in order to tackle the increasing complexity in our workplaces and in society. We can have all the smartness, structures and processes in the world, but without trust, authenticity and connection, we will not succeed.

Listen to Ulrika in Sobonapodden 🇸🇪

Avsnitt 7 Förändringsarbete och hur du håller som ledare och chef


Public service organizations: Long term assignments supporting organizational development, cross collaboration and leadership for a more emergent, co-created way of working, directed towards managers, teams and larger groups.

Swedish School system: Active in several school development initiatives at principal level. Supporting management teams and teams of principals to develop a resilient, collaborative culture and development organization, to reach goals for children and students.

IT/ Insurance & Banking sector: several years of supporting an agile, collaborative way of working in different management teams within IT, including cross collaborative groups and coaching for managers.

Executive coaching: long experience of coaching leaders on different levels and areas

Högskolan Dalarna: Associated partner at Pedagogiskt Utvecklingscentrum, facilitator and coach, financed by Skolverket/Samverkan Bästa Skola.

Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education: Faculty in change management and leadership in executive programmes.

Kommunala Företagens Ledarskapsakademi: Program manager at Utvecklande HR, an executive development program for HR within Sobona member organisations. In collaboration with SSE Executive Education.

Speaker and facilitator in workshops and conferences on cross collaboration, change management and leadership.


  • PhD from Stockholm School of Economics, Department of Management and Organization

  • Praktisk Förändringsledning, 1 year, Gestaltakademin

  • Associated fellow to GRO Organisationsutveckling

  • Head of Change Management & Organisational Development at SEB

  • Program Director, Manager and Management Team member at IFL Executive Education, Stockholm School of Economics

  • Writer of several academic books and articles

  • Works in English and Swedish

  • Certifications (selection): Radical Collaboration, The Human Element, Core Qualities, GDQ team development, Appreciative Inquiry.